Category: Blog

Pseudo-Science or inconvenient truth?

APPEA (Gas industry body) recently derided a paper by Dr Geralyn McCarron regarding a link between a rise in gasfield toxic pollutants and hospital admissions for circulatory and respiratory diseases.  Their only rebuttal to the paper was to refer to the paper as ‘pseudo-science”.  Of course this is lazy and they do not produce a …
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Tim Forcey Testimony

Thanks to Tim Forcey’s testimony, a very fundamental yet significant environmental impact has been clearly highlighted in evidence for the Tribunal.  That is the aspect of methane gas emissions from the industry and their massive contribution to green house gas production in Australia, and the abject failure for this to be adequately acknowledged or managed…
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Mind the GAP

Resource Minister Matt Canavan (2.0) has announced a $26 million grant to fast track development of new on shore gas supplies.  It has been tagged the Gas Acceleration Program or GAP.   This is an interesting change in refrain from the one that these federal song birds were singing not so long ago.  Previously on the…
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How are our Human Rights Impacted?

How are human rights impacted by this industry? After biding their time over the last 5 turbulent years for CSG (particularly the Qld and northern NSW), Arrow Energy have dived right in. After launching their ‘economising deal’ with QGC they quickly launched a round of ‘community information’ sessions, one of which was held on Tuesday…
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70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The 10th of December is Human Rights day, and 2018 will see a year long celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).  This is the same year that we will be holding and following up our International Permanent Peoples Tribunal into the Human Rights Impacts of Unconventional Gas. The…
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Inquiries into unconventional gas

Further Witness testimonies have been received from KylieH and the Jang Family.  These are written submissions supported by images. They very clearly present the overwhelming machine that the average person is confronted with when well resourced gas companies come to your community and you are left as individuals to prove impact.  One of these submissions was…
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First Testimony Recieved

Rev Slaughter has been the first to provide testimony to the tribunal.  It is not surprising that he is one of the first submissions since being first there when those in the Western Downs Gasfields need help is just what he does.   He has been quietly and staunchly providing pastoral support to those who feel…
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How to create your own testimony for the Tribunal

There are a few ways you can record your testimony.   The first step is to write down notes and details about what you would like to say.  Also gather any supporting items you want to use in your testimony, photos, documents, video etc. Don’t worry, this is not an Emmy performance, this is simply…
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