Should Queenslanders have a right to a healthy environment?
Tuesday 4 December, 2018 – 6pm for a 6.15pm start
Griffith University – Southbank
QCA Lecture Theatre: S05, Room 2.04
Queensland is currently developing a Human Rights Act. Will it protect our right to a healthy environment?
At the end of October 2018, the Qld Government tabled the Human Rights Act for Queensland Bill.
This event will help to identify how we can ensure that our rights to a healthy, safe and sustainable environment are included in this important legislation.
Right now, Queenslanders do not have even the most basic legal right to breathe clean air, or access clean water. In many parts of Queensland, fossil fuel extraction processes such as mining and gas extraction are damaging people’s health and the environment, but we have few legal remedies.
In March this year, a Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on Human Rights, Fracking and Climate Change heard testimonies from Australia and around the world, arguing that fracking and other unconventional gas extraction violates basic human rights.
Join us for this important seminar, which will discuss how we can create a new Human Rights Act that asserts our right to a healthy environment, and ensures that all people in Queensland:
- have the highest attainable standard of health;
- can participate in decisions that affect them and their communities;
- have prior free and informed consent;
- ensure social, environmental and cultural heritage protection;
- protect clean air, water, food; and
- protect privacy and peaceful homes